7 great diving destinations in 2022 for any diver

There are lots of diving destinations waiting for you!  When it comes to water activities, scuba diving is one of the most popular.

Millions of people around the world enjoy it. There are so many fascinating things that you can see under the water.

Whether it is the living coral, that is part of the Great Berrier Reef off the coast of Australia, the unique species of colorful fish indigenous to the Caño Island, Costa Rica, or cool underwater rock formations in the Red Sea off the coast of Egypt.

7 fantastic diving destinations of the World

With earth’s surface consisting of 70% water, it is highly unlikely that you will run out of places to discover scuba dive in your lifetime.

As a matter of fact, there are many different exotic locales that considered diving destinations specifically because of the uniqueness that can only be found in the waters surrounding it. We would like to share with you seven.

#1 The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The Great Barrier Reef would most likely be on the bucket list of every single diver in the world. No other underwater place on earth commands more attention than this large stretch of water of the coast of Queensland, which is located on the southeastern coast of Australia, in the Coral Sea.

This amazing coral formation is 2300 km in length and is a complete ecosystem in itself. When visiting Queensland, Australia you should find your way to the Pro Dive Cairns Dive Shop.

5 great diving destinations in 2022 for any diver

#2 Red Sea, Egypt

The Red Sea is home to one of 7 wonders of the undersea world. Diving off the coast of Egypt in the Red Sea you will be greeted by many species of fish that are only found in the Red Sea. You never know when you could come face to face with several species of shark including the impressive Hammerhead.

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There are more than 1000 species of fish, hard and soft coral, and too many invertebrates to mention here.

The red sea is probably one of  the best diving destinations. When visiting Egypt and if you are planning on doing some diving in the Red Sea, you may would like to contact Red Sea Divers Dive Shop.

Red sea diving

#3 Caño Island, Costa Rica

The Caño Island, by many, is considered the absolute best place to go diving when in Costa Rica. It is one of the best diving destinations in Central America. The area in and around the island is protected by law, and gathering shells and other sea creatures are prohibited.

This is their way of preserving the integrity of the ecosystem and to ensure all of the sea creatures including thousands of species of fish, shark, rays, and coral. If the Caño Island off the coast of Costa Rica is your destination, be sure to checkout the Costa Rica Dive and Surf Dive Shop.

Turtle at Caño Island Scuba Diving

#4 Raja Ampat, Indonesia

Without any doubt, Raja Ampat is one of the best places in the world to dive, regardless of whether you are just starting out or are already an expert diver.

Raja Ampat has one of the greatest marine diversities in the world.

There, you can find orangutan crabs, stingrays, mime octopus, phantom pipe fish, among others.

In addition, Raja Ampat has a great variety of corals with more than five hundred species.

Among the islands and the most famous diving sites we can find Mioskun Island, Koh Island, Fam Islands, Wayag Islands.

One of the most important dive sites is Cape Kri, where the record of marine species sighted in a single dive is recorded. Gerald R. Allen did so, with 283 species sighted.

Other dive sites are the islet Batu Lima, very close to Biodiversity Resort, and Blue magic with its great marine diversity.

Scuba diving in Raja Ampat

For a great experience in diving in Raja Ampat, you may want to contact the Raja Ampat Biodiversity Nature Resort diving center.

# 5 Palaos, Micronesia

The Republic of Palaous or Palau, located 500 kilometers east of the Philippines, is a micronesian diving paradise.

It is considered one of the most exciting diving destinations in the world. It is made up of more than 300 islands, and in its waters there are 1,400 species of fish as well as around 500 species of corals.

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Its waters are the natural habitat of whale sharks, turtles, eagle rays, hammerhead sharks and reef sharks.

The best time to dive in Palau is during the dry season, from October to May, but you can dive all year round.

Visibility is very good and can usually go up to 50 meters.

5 great diving destinations in 2022 for any diver
Scuba diving in Palaos

To dive in Palau you can contact the Fish’n Fins Palau diving center

# 6 Komodo National Park,Indonesia

Komodo National Park is a world-renowned nature reserve in Indonesia.

In the Komodo area there are several diving centers distributed throughout the area.

These dive centers help you to have a better diving experience in the surrounding smaller islands.

If you are a visitor in this place, you will be able to experience impressive views, both in the water and out of it.

In Komodo there are about fifty dive sites that will help you enjoy a unique experience of marine species.

You will also be able to meet the world famous Komodo dragons.

You can do like most tourists and choose to stay at the Flores dive center,
or maybe at the Labuan Bajo dive center.
This way you will be able to access dive sites more easily.

Komodo is definitely another of our top 7 diving destinations.

Komodo National Park-Indonesia

To dive in Komodo National Park you can contact the Scuba Republic diving center.

# 7 The Coral Triangle,Asia Pacific

The Coral Triangle is a tropical maritime area located in the Pacific, at the convergence of Southeast Asia and Oceania.

This area contain tha water of six countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippine Islands, Solomon Islands and East Timor.

It is the site with the most marine biodiversity in the world: 76% of the known coral species live there, 6 of the 7 existing species of sea turtles and at least 2,228 species of reef fish, which has earned it the nickname of hatchery or cradle of the seas or “Amazon of the seas”.

It is also an important breeding and transit area for tuna.

The economy and direct subsistence of more than 126 million people depend on the great biological diversity of this ecosystem.

The coral triangle-Asia Pacific

To dive in the coral triangle you can contact the SSI dive center.

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Is it true that there is a dangerous jellyfish in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia? . Is it still safe to swim?

Jellyfish inhabit the warm tropical waters of the Great Barrier Reef. It is still safe to swim wearing a special anti-sting suit.
Jellyfish season runs from November to May.

Jellyfish can still be found in the water, out of season.
If you wear the right suits it won’t be a problem.

What is the Climate Like in Raja Ampat?

Raja Ampat has the typical weather of any tropical region, sun, rain, warm sea breeze, and wind.

How much does it cost to go diving to Cano Island?

Prices for Cano Island dive trips usually goes from 189 U$
There you already have the necessary equipment, snacks, guide, drinks, boats.
Take into account that prices can vary from season to season.

Finding a good local diving center is important

Ask any experienced divers the most dangerous part of any dive is the unknown. If you are unfamiliar with the area that you are diving you have no idea what could be lurking just out of sight.

That is why most PADI (Professional Association of Dive Instructors) instructors all highly recommend finding a local dive shop in the area of your destination that you plan to go diving.

The people running the shop should be able to help educate you and your dive party on all of the local dive spots and what you should be avoiding. Their experience is invaluable and is one way to help ensure that your diving experience will exceed your expectations.

We hope by including the name of a local dive group you will take advantage of it.  Try to contact them when you arrive at one of the seven destinations in this article.

If you are planning to come to Costa Rica, please send us a message. We will be more than happy to help you get the best scuba diving experience.

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